Monday, May 23, 2011

A Trip and some Loot

Last Tuesday, we made a trip to Dallas

for David's annual checkup. The doctor's visit itself was rather uneventful other than the fact that his former doctor had ?retired and so David was now under the care of someone new, and whose office is in a different building.


Seeing how it was a 3+ hour trip one way, I tried to make sure we had whatever we needed on hand in case of a toddler meltdown situation. One of the things that we try never to go anywhere without these days, is our little ASUS Eee computer that has all the little boy's favorite shows.


We got there a little early, so daddy helped the little boy stretch his legs out a little bit before he had to be confined in a stroller again when it was time for the appointment.



Then it was off to the Garland area to pick up some stuff, and hey presto, we stumble upon a sort of ChinaTown.

We had some yummy noodles for a quick lunch before heading over to Hong Kong Market Place for some long pent up shopping. Turns out we had chanced upon one of the bigger Asian markets around.


It didn't exactly smell like a bed of roses in there, but I was too excited to find all kinds of things there to be too bothered by it. Yes, I know it sounds like I've been quite deprived. Oh well.


Our next stop after that was Costco, on the way home, where we had a "Dinner" of Pizza, Salad and Very Berry Sundae.

This is the little boy asking "More Mama, PLEASE!" with regards to the Very Berry Sundae. :)



The little boy was such a trooper during the whole trip. Considering that he was strapped into his car seat for that many hours to and fro, he was very good about it. Sure, there was the occasional flare up and the pleading of "up, mama, up" ( asking to be picked up, out of the seat ), but he was soon distracted by the different things we brought for that purpose, and of course, his videos. :)

I've put away the things we got at the Asian grocer, and have cooked some of them, and hopefully will have some documented on the blog soon :).

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