Sunday, March 23, 2025

Happy and Sad

I have had a wonderful few weeks of "Giggling While I Work", and on many occasions, truly LOL'ing...because I have been rewatching for the (?)th time, Parks and Recreation. 

LURVE LURVE LURVE Parks and Rec. Whenever the theme song comes up, my body gets happy and starts dancing involuntarily.

Ben and Leslie FOREVAH!

But now, as I arrive at the Final Season, I can't help but feel quite sad that there are a finite number of episodes left.

I think I shall embark on 30 Rock after this. I didn't watch it when it came out; I'm not sure why...and then I was in the throes of motherhood and didn't watch much TV for a bit there.

On a similar note, I'll just put on here ze list of shows for watching/rewatching before I forget....


The Office, 

Arrested Development,

Freaks and Geeks,


The Big Bang Theory 

3rd Rock from the Sun, 



(Maybe) the IT Crowd...for now.

It's still too soon to rewatch The Mindy Project ... I'll leave that on the TBD list. When I think of more to put on the list, I shall do some editing magic.

MEANWHILE, I've already introduced Pushing Daisies to The Little Boy and we watch it together. 

He loves it and I love that he loves it!

Hurray for quirky sweet funny sitcoms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Happiness is..

Female, Potentially Successfully Pollinated Cucumber Flowers.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bougainvillea Love on my Mom's 80th Birthday

My mom used to have soooo many different colors of Bougainvillea lined up against the front of our house, displayed in ornate Chinese pots. Her collection was her pride and joy, and would not hesitate to ask for a cutting if she noticed one in a color she didn't yet have. 

We have ONE plant here, in honor of my mom, in a way. It has had a hard time with the grasshoppers, but this year I have tried to place it where it would be harder for them to do it harm.

It looks to have worked. They are finally flowering again after goodness knows how many years.

Seeing them trying to flower against the odds makes my heart full.