Friday, November 29, 2019

Picking Pecans at Mamo's House

The Pecans have been falling in droves, and Mamo had asked if we would like to stop by and pick some. 

Thank goodness for Pecan Picking Apparatus(es)!

Games with the Cousins

We got together with the cousins one last time before they left for home, to play some games.

We played Trouble and Uno Stacko and everyone seemed to have a good time. :)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

We had Thanksgiving at Mamo's Church,  Oldham Lane Church of Christ.  She had an open invitation to her church members and anyone who would like to join in for Thanksgiving, who might otherwise not have any other place to be.

I can't remember the official count, but it might have been upwards of 50 people. 

After a while, the kids wandered off to the game room, where the I had a lot of fun playing table tennis, first with Anastasia, then with the hubs.. I used to play that when I was younger, and I certainly miss it.

Last Year's Poinsettia

This is probably what happens when you don't "put your poinsettia in a dark room" thingy to "force" it to become red.

We didn't do anything to it, except continue to water it. It IS in a bathroom though, that has a skylight, but it's not really direct light for a bunch of the day either.

Aaaaanyway, it is still turning red, even if right not it is merely a tinge. We shall wait and see.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cranberry Relish is a must.

Every year, we bring some cranberry relish to the Family Thanksgiving, and it gets to be a whole family affair, which the the little boy loves to participate in.

Of course, there gets to be a lot of er, tasting as well :D


Remember the RV Propane Leak Detector that needed replacing? We ordered a replacement in BLACK because we thought it suited the aesthetics better.

Guess what came in the mail from the place we ordered one from?

Now we've got to do the whole return / replacement order thingy. 

Oh well.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Sunset outside my Little Cubby Window

During Fall and Winter, the sun sets a bit more to the south, and I can have my curtain up and look right into the beautiful changing colors of dusk.

It makes preparing for school that much more pleasant :)

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Rare Wefie :)

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and I thought I looked decent :)

I am Lion, hear me Roar!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Oh you know, just your usual housekeeping.

The RV Propane Gas Detector needed replacing after faithfully guarding and warning of gas leaks since 2012. It let us know by its incessant high pitched beeping.

RIP. You have served us well, but we will need to get your replacement here pronto.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Saturday, November 09, 2019

A Trip Out West Part II : McKittrick Canyon

Next phase of the adventure, here we come.

We got there quite late, and had to skedaddle, get our stuff together, and start the hike.

The little boy was all smiles in this pic, coz he had no idea just how far and long the trek was going to be, poor baby.

It was a very lovely hike, and I will let the photos do the talking.




By the time we got back to the car, the little boy was beyond bushed.

We stopped by El Kaptian before going on to dinner

and the next day, the little boy drew his version of the trail we hiked and how he walked till the sole of his shoe came off!