Saturday, November 09, 2019

A Trip Out West Part I : Carlsbad Caverns

We started out trip really really early in the predawn hours, with the little boy sleeping most of the way there. 

I was falling asleep all over the place too, even though I tried really hard to stay awake to accompany the hubs, because ... THIS!

Foggy, dangerous roads with almost NO visibility. 

By the time we got close, and dawn was breaking, the fog was finally letting up a little bit.

As we started up the mountains, the fog cleared, and brilliant sunshine broke through the mountain tops.

We spotted some Barbary sheep of some sort on the cliffs,

and the hubs decided that it was a perfect Kodak moment.

We were really excited as we got close..

and delighted in the "we are above the clouds" illusion of the fog in the valley below us.

We let the hubs take a short nap while we waited for the place to open, and the little boy decided to make full use of the beautiful scenery, a.k.a "Take a picture! Take a picture!"

I swear, I did not even suggest any of these locations, much less the poses that come along with them.
It was all the boy. 


Pretty soon, the hubs was awake, and away we went.

The interior was pretty cool,

what with a Junior Ranger Station,

various exhibits,

and photo ops!

We were then directed down the path to the cavern opening,

and I have to say, I don't remember it being sooooo steep the last time we were there, but then I was 13 years younger then! My word, how my knees have deteriorated since then.

The views more than made up for the painstaking downhill trudge and the toll it took on my knees.


We DID take a short break at the bottom of the cavern, where a deli was,

bought a postcard, which the little boy took the time to write in and address to himself,

and mail it from miles and miles below ground so that it would have the Carlsbad Caverns, NM postmark.

MORE of the caverns after our little rest.



And then, we were finally out and on to the next adventure....

to be continued...

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