Friday, May 03, 2024

Why this is ALWAYS the worst season

I know there are others who have it so much worse, but living even at the edge of Tornado Alley is very stressful.

Last night there were several tornadoes that touched down close to us, then there was the hail and wind... 

I feel so badly for all those who were hit by the tornadoes, and cringe to think if we were in their shoes.

Apparently tonight, there's an encore performance. 

Hail up to GRAPEFRUIT size, mind you.

You add in "A Couple of Strong Tornadoes Possible" and winds "Up to 75MPH LIKELY"...., well.

Storm Stress is very real.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

The Total Solar Eclipse of 2024

So.. we decided to travel a few hours yesterday, to be in a place where we could see the Total Solar Eclipse in all its Totality Glory.  

Even though we were going to experience 97% if we had just stayed put, we thought that it would be a real and true shame NOT to travel a little to get to where the totality was for an experience of a lifetime.

We drove till we were well within the band of totality and managed to find a really good spot to stop on the State Highway, where they were working on expanding the road. 

The guys were also chillin' in the shade, waiting on the Eclipse and we got their "OK" to park where we did.

There was a really pretty patch of bluebonnets and other wildflowers where we stopped.

The eerie calmness and darkness during the Moments of Totality.. It lasted a little more than 3 minutes, and we were just in awe.

I didn't manage to get a good photo with my phone, but it was A Truly Magical  Experience all three of us would never forget. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Taught my mom to do screenshots today :)

My mom ( who is back in Malaysia ) and I talk every week.

( Thank you, Whatsapp )

She needed to know how to make screenshots and hey, you're never to old to learn anything.

MORE Wildflowers :)

Wildflowers galore :)

Easter Egg Hunt

Another Family Tradition!

You're only a kid once and if you like Egg Hunts, good on ya!