Thursday, July 09, 2009

Heading out of 3-month-hood

Can you believe it's been 3 months + ?



Click on Jaxon's pic for more pics :)


Asianmommy said...

What a cutie!

Tamara said...

OMG...HE JUST TAKES THE CAKE!!! He's just precious,L.!!
Hey,I'm blocked out of my blog,so I am back to useing my 1st one you built for me...I guess I'll use it until I can figure out why in the world I'm getting a pop-up that says "operation aborted",then when I hit OK,it either closes the page,or I simply have nothing on the page except what is on the side bars!! Any ideas why this is happening? I'm pulling my hair out here!!lol
Boy-o-boy that lil stinker is getting so big!!!!

Marsha Tan - Benjamin said...

He looks so 'authoritative' in this pix LOL so cute!!!