a routine doctor's visit.
We had known for a few weeks now, that the baby was breech, and that although he might go ahead and turn before delivery, it was highly unlikely that he would. So we went ahead and scheduled a C-section for April 2nd.
Today we came for our weekly appointment with our OGBYN, and found out that he was still breech, and on top of that, my blood pressure was high, with protein in my urine. They monitored me for about 20 minutes, during which it remained consistently high, and my doctor was not comfortable with that.
ANYWAY, to make a long story short, baby Jackson was delivered today via C-Section, at 4.53pm, weighing 7lbs 9oz, and measuring 19 inches in length.
I don't have any pictures at the moment, coz David has it in a different camera/camcorder and his aunts and cousins etc have pictures in THEIR cameras etc, but I will post pictures once I get some :).
Right now I'm in the hospital in the post-natal ward, recovering from the surgery while they're cleaning baby up and like that..
I think I'm still on some adrenaline rush, but will definitely blog more perhaps tomorrow, and put up photos and the like.
For now, I think I need some shut eye :)
Momma, baby, AND papa ( who had to see things in the operating room he would never have volunteered to see in a gazillion years ) are doing well.