This was the first Christmas without Grandad, and I know that it was on just about everyone's mind at some point, but we have so many happy memories of him, and I hope to keep those memories alive for the little boy always. :)
Jaxon: "I need to look outside, mummy"
Mummy: "Why?"
Jaxon: "Bring me outside, mummy, I need to look outside"
*mummy brings the little boy outside*
Jaxon: "No, it's not Christmas"
Jaxon:"There's no snow!"
Anyway, I convinced him that even though there was no snow on the ground, that it WAS Christmas after all, and he tried really hard to be patient, waiting for daddy to get up, and not just ripping through all the presents.
When it did come time to open the presents, I was surprised to see that the little boy pick up the smallest gift under the tree, but which to him was one of the most excellent ones - a Star Wars Angry Bird t-shirt - which he IMMEDIATELY asked me to help him put on :)
The rest of the gifts under the tree seemed to get unwrapped at warp speed. The expressions on the little boy's face were just priceless.
( By the way, when I was growing up, I was somehow under the impression that you would get only ONE gift at Christmas time. Man, kids these days.. heheh )
Of course, then it was off to the fireplace in the RV where the little boy had hung his stocking the night before, where the unwrapping spree continued with much excitement and glee.
It was truly a "living vicariously through a little one" moment, seeing the little boy's wonderment and amazement that Santa knew exactly what he wanted :)
Of course, we had to make sure we got every single present that could possibly be hiding in the big stocking :)
We didn't have much time before we had to go on to the next activity, ( which the hubs and I actually missed breakfast for ), CHRISTMAS LUNCH at Oldham Lane.
There were less of us there than usual, seeing how Shana and family were in Ukraine, Sabrina and family were with Todd's family, Walt and wife were in Lubbock, and Frances & family were in Memphis.
The little boy had insisted on wearing his Star Wars Angry Birds t-shirt, and hey, it was Christmas. The boy could wear whatever he wanted - within reasonable limits :P The kids found different ways of entertaining themselves, and I was remembering the previous years when I was so much more the "helicopter parent", but this time I actually sat down and played a few rounds of Scrabble with the girls!
That night, we were back together again for dinner of leftovers,
after which, we went over to Christmas Lane at the State Supported Living Center,
and the little boy got to sit in daddy's lap and pretend to drive :)
To top Christmas off, we saw THIS display at a home during our drive back :)
One thought... "The Griswolds live here!"