Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Playground by Grandad's House

When Grandad was still alive, we would bring Jaxon to the nearby school's playground to play and romp.  Usually this was after school hours, when we could have the grounds to ourselves.

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After Grandad passed, and we didn't go by there anymore, we didn't go back to that playground for the longest time.

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So when we were by there the other day, and saw that the old equipment had been replaced by all new equipment, we thought that THAT would be as good a time as any to revisit the place.

Anyway, we invited Cindy to come with us, and she brought along Qi and her parents - who were staying at Cindy's house. 

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The little boy was very excited about all the new equipment, but was a little confused that the old equipment wasn't there anymore, and at one point wanted to go off insearch of them.

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Qi, her parents and I walked over to Grandad's old house - which was now owned by friends who go to the same church - for a bathroom break ( after being all thick skinned and getting Cindy to call first - hehe ), and the house looked wonderful.  The couple was doing a bunch of renovation, and the house never looked more beautiful :) It brought back a lot of memories to be back in the house again, and made me choke up at some point, but I am glad it is in the hands of people who are lovingly restoring it and loving to live in it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Belated Christmas Party

Cindy left for Zambia before we could have our Bible Class Christmas Party. We had to postpone it because of a freak weather event that happened right before Cindy left, and so we had it yesterday, at Madge's house.

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We watched an inspiring video sermon, and the hubs was the Barista, serving his Pumpkin Spice Lattes to the delighted ladies :).

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Madge had a shelf of little toys to keep the little boy occupied - there was even a View Master, just like the one we had as kids, and I showed the little boy how to work it. Surprisingly, he enjoyed using it.

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It was a pot-luck brunch, and everything was absolutely delicious :)

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Semi Homemade Duck Noodle Soup

It is so sad that it has been over a year since George decided to close down "A Taste of Asia",  which had amazing South East Asian food.  That's where I used to go for a Duck Noodle Soup fix among other things, but alas, now I am left to my own devices.

SOOOOO, I did a little dance of joy when I saw something familiar in the aisles of the Filipino Store that we go to often, and decided to grab 4 packets. :)

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We had a duck and a half in the freezer, and Kai Lan in the fridge, so I thought I'd do some semi homemade duck noodle soup myself!

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Man, what can I say, it was heavenly and brought me back home to Malaysia for a little bit :)

Welcome Home, Cindy!

Cindy was off to Zambia for a month during Christmas-time, and the little boy couldn't wait for her to be back.  So when she called us to let us know when she was getting back, we couldn't NOT meet her at the airport! :)

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We are so glad that she is back safe and sound :)

Thursday, January 09, 2014


Some NOVEMBER recaps. Hoy.

I know I did some entries in November, but here are the unshared memories from that month, that kinda slipped away from me. :P

Cousin Time

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Abilene State Park with  Cindy and her gang

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Playground Time

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Fun at Abilene Public Library

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Friday, January 03, 2014

A warm start to the New Year

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AND today it is gusting to 40 mph - you know, Mary Poppins type of gusting. :)