Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween in the midst of a Pandemic

We didn't go anywhere for Halloween... I didn't even get a costume done this year.  I knew the little boy was a little disappointed at not being able to go to any trick-or-treating events this year, and thought I'd try to cheer him up a bit.

We had Halloween themed food all day long :)

Friday, October 30, 2020

Playing Tic Tac Toe in the Sky

On our morning walk, we were greeted with intersecting contrails that looked like a game of Tic Tac Toe :)

We also stopped to admire the lovely wildflowers :)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Roasted Cold Noodles

I had never heard of this product before, much less tried it. 

However, it was on sale on An Asian Online Grocery Store, and so I thought I'd give it a try.

It was quite good.  I watched a few videos online to get an idea on the preparation, and then gave it a go.

I think what makes the product really good is the sauce that came with it, as well as the little packet of sprinkles. I wish there was just a little bit more of those included, though.

The boys enjoyed theirs for lunch and gave their thumbs up :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wintry Mix Day 2

The Poor Trees were so heavy with ice that a bunch of them had branches that were reaching the ground! I tried to shake some of the ice off, hoping that the branches wouldn't break off from all the weight.

The rose bushes were completely iced over, 

and so were the wildflowers and field.

But of course, someone was having a grand time with it all :

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Wintry Mix kind of Morning

Some sleet and frozen rain had fallen in the night, and it is always lovely and fun, especially for the little boy.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Asian Food

I thought I'd give one of the online Asian Grocers a try, because I was getting a little bit of a craving for food from home.

Next time, I will need to shop at a South East Asian online grocer to completely satisfy the South East Asian in me.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Drastic Change in the Weather

A 40 degree drop. 🥶

Silky, the Contortionist Cat

 Hanging out on the steps, daring any Human to disturb his very Chiropractic looking pose.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

And Just Like That,

we need our coats.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Weaver

Why make a Plain Ol' Ordinary Apple Pie when you can have some fun Artsing and Craftsing?

When Roses Get Their Second Wind

It is always an Unexpected Loveliness when Fall comes around, and the Roses say Hello again. :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How about some KEROPOK?

When you are feeling just a tad bit homesick, Keropok hits the spot :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Cats that Hang Out on Steps..

 ...while being deceptively hidden from view, are indeed a health hazard.

Another Lovely Morning with The Boys

Mainly, in this photo, it really emphasizes how, walking alongside his daddy, the little boy isn't so little any more.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Morning Walk and Wild Flowers

I love that the changing temperatures of the much anticipated Fall brings with it another splash of color, what with the wild flowers being given another chance to bloom and sow their seeds.  The roses are also grateful for the less blistering temperatures.

We have 3 Traffic Cones ( A Mummy, A Daddy and a Little Boy ), that look like Sentries during our walks, and I think nowadays, instead of the little one representing the little boy, it is now ME... being the shortest these days and all. :D

Deveining Shrimp.

 I doubt the boys would want to participate in such sausage making as this.

Friday, October 09, 2020

It's the little things...

Like the Zen-ness of freshly mown grass. 

Sibling Love

Happiness is when your brother knows how deprived you are of Asian goodies, and tries his best to put together a care package to brighten up your day :)

A Little Taste of Home

Wrapped some Wontons for dinner today. I wish the store sold the dumpling wrappers and gyoza wrappers, but for now, wonton wrappers save the day.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

More wildflowers to identify.

I am thankful there are some websites that help identify Wildflowers, like THIS one, and THIS one, for example. We come across so many different types on our daily walk.

Melampodium leucanthum or Plains Blackfoot

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Little Yellow Wildflowers

 I SHOULD take the time to identify these....

edit : Okay, I have taken SOME time, and they just might be Berlandiera lyrata

An October Sky

 What a beautiful blue cloudless sky....with the bonus of the moon.

Sunday, October 04, 2020

How Apt.

 We had just watched Hitchcock's The Birds the other day with the little boy.