Wednesday, November 30, 2022

A Very Rude Weather Forecast


And it's making a very rude gesture too!

Sunday, November 27, 2022


We don't usually get to see deer at our place ( those shy things... ) , but we often see evidence that they've been about.

Christmas Tree 2022

🎵 It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas....🎵


Amazingly enough, there are still tomatoes getting red on the bushes! We are coming right at the very tippy end of the season though. Thank goodness for Homemade Greenhouses.

My Morning Walk

 It was quite a delightful morning walk today, what with Frost, Footprints, Fog and Fowl!

A Frosty Car Hood

Frosty Tips of Shrubbery

Wildlife Footprints

Fog Lifting as the Sun comes up.

Fowl ( Sandhill Cranes ) going South for the Winter

Frisky Foals ( well, I don't think they are really that young, but I needed alliterative F Words! )

Saturday, November 26, 2022

It's Officially Time!

To commence The Countdown To Christmas!

Cowboy Boot for Daddy, Girly one for Mommy, Rudolph for The Not-So-Little Boy, and The Snow White one for Silky Manja The Wonder Cat with Pumpkin Highlights Woods.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

 It's that time of year again. The boys helped with The Cranberry Relish and I made the different foods several days in advance and popped them into the fridge. The only thing that we did The Morning Of was The Turkey, which was done in the Roaster - very convenient indeed.

There was Mincemeat and Pumpkin Pie, and 

A Whole Table of Thanksgiving Staples. :)

Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings, Y'all!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Yearly Traditions.

The boys helping with the Cranberry Relish has turned out to be a yearly tradition that the boys really do look forward to :)

I hadn't intended for the phone camera to have all such weird effects, but there you go.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Thanksgiving Prep

I thought I would get the pie(s) ready a few days before, as to avoid the crazy cooking that will soon commence.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Our Poor Black Bin

Somebody seems to have backed into ( or run into ) our Poor Black Delivery Bin, crushing it quite badly.

We have tried to patch it up, but we'll see how long it will last with it being quite so wounded.


Friday, November 11, 2022

Caring for My Little Garden

There's a pretty significant dip in the weather coming, and that means the plants need to be protected.

See how just a few days has made such a difference to the night-time-low estimates. Yoiks.

We are hoping to keep them alive for as long as possible, even if it means covering them up and setting an oil space heater on low for a few nights until it isn't feasible any more.

Using the Handy Dandy Hygrometer Thermometer to keep track of the temps in there.

Friday, November 04, 2022

The Rain Conundrum

I like the rain.

When it is gentle and coming down softly.

Not when it looks like this with gusty straight line winds and hail and unpleasantness.

Thursday, November 03, 2022

My Little Zen Garden

Today's harvest, small as it may be, makes me happy.

Hello November

November Skies...