Thursday, April 10, 2008

Stormy Weather in Texas

As usual, in Spring,

there are tornado scares, flood warnings; the whole gamut of bad weather....

There was one that was too close for comfort yesterday, which tore up our plants real bad, but thank God no tornadoes touched down near or on us..

Part of the Aftermath..


Moments In Time said...

I'm glad to hear that you're a-okay! This is supposed to come our way in Tennessee... so hopefully this next day or so would not be bad! Oh btw if you're wondering where I popped up from, MyB la :)

Anonymous said...

Wow luckiy the tornado didn't touch down near your place! I can imagine how scary is that. My aunt worked in the US as a househelper a few years ago and the tornado was just less than a kilometre away. They hid in the basement for the rest of the night and the lights went out. It was scary!

Tamara said...

That was a close one,huh?
Glad you guys got did we,praise the Lord.
The weather got pretty bad though here in East Texas.I was online for a bit while it was going on,and the first time the electric flickered and knocked me off line,I got the heck off this computer QUICK!
Nothing like a good storm to wipe out a computer for good

Monica said...

WOW what crazy weather!!!!!

K. Restoule said...

We had a freak snow storm last week, but we don't normally get twisters.

Then again, a freak snowstorm in this city doesn't surprise me.

Anonymous said...

Eeeewwwkk..!! ice pelletssss..!!! we are gonna have thunderstorm tonite..! so not looking forward to it lah..!

Anonymous said...

Hey how goes??
I was thinking of going down to texas for christmas and was wondering how the overall weather is like in december. Could you be kind enough to let me know???
much appreciated,