Monday, December 21, 2009


We went to the post office today


to pick up my Malaysian passport. It took about 2 months to get it renewed, which was way less than the estimated 3 - 6 months, due to having to be sent off to Malaysia, and being a "biometric passport".

We immediately went over to the Social Security Office to apply for a social security number/card. If all goes well, we'll be getting that in the mail in a couple of weeks. Phew. I know it's been a long time coming, but we had problems with the green card etc etc. Praise the Lord, everything's falling into place now. Yay!!!!!!


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

thank you for sharing the experiences, when you take this as adventure instead of trouble, you have pride and pleasure in getting what you deserve..


Ashley said...

here's hoping all your paperwork goes through well. Hope you and yours are having an excellent holiday!