Monday, August 06, 2012

On the Sewing Front

I haven't made any dresses or shirts, or any more pillowcases,

but rather, what I HAVE been making, are these....


the ones that are "spotlighted or highlighted" are the ones that I have made for the little boy. Throughout the next few photos, you will notice that they are not looking very snappy, but then when a 3 year old plays with you day in and day out and makes you perform as he believes an angry bird and pig should perform, you would be a little worse for wear as well.


They are made out of felt - not the best/most durable thing out there, but they were cheap and easy to deal with, and was what I had left over from some Felt Board projects I did with the little boy.


Most seasoned seamstresses would probably roll their eyes in sheer horror at my "handiwork", but hey, for someone who has hardly any experience in sewing, I think I didn't do too shabby... except for this "space mask" for Sad Bird in the next pic. That one was pretty bad. LOL.


BUT more importantly, the little boy enjoys playing with them so much and is sooo appreciative that it just doesn't matter.


It makes me happy to see that little face light up and the little boy start squealing in delight whenever he is surprised with a new bird/pig to be added to his collection. :)


He found a little piece of black scrap felt in the room, and gave Green Space Angry Bird a cape! :)


Asianmommy said...

Wow--you are truly amazing! I'm so impressed. Your little boy is very lucky!

letti said...

Thanks :) I appreciate it :)