Bright and early Saturday morning, we headed to Hillcrest for the 4th of July Neighborhood Parade.
Of course, it was good that he paused long enough to realise that the Parade had started. :)
Of course, with Daddy's help, the little boy managed to get some loot ( which he promptly forgot all about once we got home ) :)
There were plenty of characters out that day... :)
as well as a whole bunch of precious and adorable ones...
And who could have a neighborhood parade without Classic Cars?
The hubs spotted one that was what his mother used to drive...
After the parade, it was off to the Multi Purpose Room for Homemade Ice Cream!
The little boy's favorite was Key Lime flavored ice cream.
And then of course, such bubblicious energy cannot be contained - especially when it is sugar-enhanced.... and so we went over to the play room and built forts and stacked some dominoes..
Then we stayed up late and parked along with what seemed like half of Abilene to watch the fireworks.
It was QUITE the show. We saw displays that we had never seen before, which was super cool.

Till next year, then :)
Till next year, then :)
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