Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Lane Part 2

THIS is why, in the Part 1 post, we were completely bumfuzzled that there were no cars when we arrived that other time. The reason is because, it is usually like THIS.
Cars stacked up for as far as the eye can see, and then some.
We tried to be patient and listen to songs on the radio and like that, but it still felt like a loooooooong time before we were at the gates.
We saw pretty much the same things we did the other night, but I suppose we caught a few things here and there that we might have missed.

Then we finally got to the parking area to go indoors, 
It was chilly, and I was eager to get in there as soon as I could,
but not before The Little Boy made a phone call to the North Pole. :D
There were Christmas Villages everywhere,

But the real draw was the multi-train display at center stage.

Sometimes I can't believe all these came from people's homes and collections...

and it was kinda fun to see all the animatronics working like they should..
even if some were a little creepier than others,
and some just absolutely darling.
We DID get in line to see Santa, but they were charging to even take pictures using your own phone, and so we didn't capture any of THAT.
Nevertheless, we had another fun night out, and soaked in all the Christmas Season atmosphere to last us for a bit. :)

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