Monday, May 27, 2019

A Trip to Leuders

We hadn't been to Leuders in a while.. and while the weather wasn't so very oppressive just yet, we took a short trip over there.

The first place we stopped at was a quarry.

I don't remember the name of it, but we just drove on in like we owned that place. LOL

Of course, there was a guy working there, and we asked permission to just be tourists.

The quarry, with its different landforms and layers of rocks, was actually quite picturesque.

The little boy hadn't gotten over his "climbing" phase, and immediately tried to climb onto all the available rocks around.

Then, we drove into Leuders proper, and it was pretty much a ghost town - no offence to the 346 people who live there..

We stopped by the Country Store to ask for directions to the Baptist Assembly, and the little boy remarked about how the font for the store was very "60s groovy".


Our next stop was the Big Country Baptist Assembly encampment, that had its own lake, dock and water features, among other things.

MORE rock climbing.

It is nice to get away from the daily grind, even if it is really close by, just to recharge :)

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