Friday, July 19, 2019

A Trip to Hobbs and Seminole

It wasn't really planned, but we needed to go to Hobbs, New Mexico to pick up a piece of equipment.

It was a long drive, but not quite as far as when we went to Fort Davis.

The guy in charge was very professional and capable, to the point of impressing the hubs.

Then it was off to an early dinner at one of the few remaining Furr's in the area. 

The little boy was quite delighted with the selection :D

We didn't stop very long, though.  We were soon on our way home, but decided to stop by Janelle's house for a bit.  Janelle was the head librarian when the hubs was in school, and a close family friend.

She was still as quick as ever, even if her hearing wasn't as good these days, and the hubs had a good time reminiscing, and catching her up on who was doing what these days.

They could have sat and talked for hours on end, but we were needing to get home before dark and had to say our goodbyes, promising to keep in touch more frequently :D.

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