Wednesday, February 05, 2020

A Snowy Day Pt 1

We awoke to A Snowy Day.

The kind of Snowy Day that SELDOM/RARELY happens in Abilene.

With snow piled high on the steps, and icicles over a foot long, and growing ever longer...

With the possibility of making snow angels without seeing one blade of grass underneath.

It does make for a pretty scene, even if at the back of my mind, I know that slushy mud is in my near-future.

Snow Days are perfect for little boys tho.

The world is now their canvas.

And their science lab,

where they display their er, feats of engineering :D and imagination,

and the ordinary is now transformed into something way more magical.

all the while knowing that we have a cosy home to retreat back into when our frozen fingers and toes and noses can't take much more.

-7 C = 19 F
21 C = 69.8 F

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