Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Amazon ( Non ) Delivery

The lawn cart / wagon lost a wheel a week ago. We had some inner tubes left over that were for an older cart ( predecessor to this current one ), but they were faulty and leaked.

So we ordered new ones and were overjoyed that it seemed to have been delivered. I NEED that cart on a weekly ( and many times, more than once a week ) basis for grocery deliveries.

However, when we got up to the gate, we couldn't find the package anywhere even though Amazon insists that it had been delivered.

On closer inspection, we saw that there was a photo accompanying the delivery notice, and it was NOT OUR HOUSE that Amazon Logistics had left our package at.  We have NO IDEA whose house it was left at, but certainly not ours.

So, we had to call it in and get a replacement sent out. I hope they get here in time for our NEXT grocery delivery. 

Also, it has the little boy's bicycle replacement inner tube too! I know. Our inner tubes had synchronized deaths, alas.

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