Saturday, May 28, 2022

Propane Update

Posting this here for our records.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Seedlings' Update

The little plants are out in the garden in the partial shade and protected from strong winds from the hedge.  Can't wait till they get just a tad bigger and are ready to be in the ground! I'm also trying to replant some store bought Bak Choy. OoOoOo.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

(New) Phone!

We got me a renewed/refurbished ( who can afford new phones, anyway?? ) phone and it arrived yesterday.  There was the rigmarole of Fedex needing an actual person there to sign and us insisting on isolating etc, but in the end it all worked out.

So we are currently trying the new-to-me phone out to see if it is working all right and that its battery holds up etc, and if not... then we have to return it.


Such First World Problems. I am genuinely ashamed.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Total Lunar Eclipse

Watching the Total Lunar Eclipse with My Boys.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

RIP Phone Camera

Toward the end of last week, my phone camera suddenly died.

It wouldn't turn on, and would keep giving me a "Warning, Camera Failed" error message.

It wouldn't take photos, wouldn't scan UPCs or QR codes - it wouldn't even turn on to begin with to do any of those things. AND it messed up the Flashlight too, which believed itself to currently be in use by some Mysterious App.

I consulted The Google, as one does in such situations, and followed all the steps advised by wiser ones who had tackled this problem before me.

Nothing worked. Not a single thing. As a last resort, I backed everything up and did a Hard Factory Reset. 

Still No Joy.

Samsung says it has to be a Hardware Failure problem, then.

Now comes the headache of dealing with the phone company and the insurance... OR NOT, depending on how infurated they make us. !@#$ Money Grubbers.


Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Some of the things NOT to love about Spring

Crazy Storms containing Crazy Hail, Crazy Wind, and Tornadoes. 😰

Sunday, May 01, 2022

A Straddling Silky

Yes, we know you have destroyed a lot of the furniture in this place. 

Of course you have to assert your claim as well.