Sunday, May 02, 2010

Sunday Dinner

Or as they say here, Supper.

I had the opportunity to have a good long nap today, and woke up in good spirits. I mean, almost every day, there is nothing an exhausted mom of a toddler wants than just some good old fashioned shut-eye.

I also woke up in time to make dinner. *sigh*.

ANYWAY, I'm always running out of ideas as to what to make for our meals. Which is why I subscribe to a bunch of food blogs on my RSS feeds. AND why I blog about them - so that I can come back and say, "Hmm.. that wasn't too bad of a dish, maybe I'll make that again".

I mean, I don't usually have a recipe that I go by. It's just a dash of this, a dash of that, and then a little bit of this or that to get the taste right.

I know. I should have paid more attention when my grandmother used to cook for us.

So today we had

Stir Fried Kuay Teow ( broad flat noodles ) with diced tomatoes, scallions and bean sprouts


Stir Fried Spicy Eggplant/Brinjal with tomatoes, onions and scallions


Five Spice Chicken with er, scallions.


I just think the scallions for garnishing just makes everything look so much better.


Cat Cat said...

That Char Keow Teow sure does looks good... Nom nom nom nom.

Asianmommy said...

Ooh--dinner looks yummy!