It was really the day of Stephanie's birthday, but with Jet's and the twins' birthday so close by, it made for a quadruple celebration :)

As always, it is fascinating to see how the boys interact when there is a whole bunch of them crammed into the house. The younger ones stick to themselves, the older bunch gravitate towards each other and have a "big boys' club" of sorts, and Jaxon kind of does his own thing and goes back and forth between both cliques.

How does Stephanie do it, we all wonder. Such a sweet and inspiring woman, she is. And with 5 children in tow every day. Wow. Just Wow.

Jet was pretty astonished to find out that he and Jaxon were the same age. ( well, at least for another month until the little boy turns 9 - Oh Good Lord )

And then, there was Sky. Sweet Plate-Licking Sky. The little girl who is MORE than capable of holding her one with this wild bunch.

We had gotten a huge Peppa Pig coloring book for the twins. Jaxon was very amused as they tore the wrapping paper off, gasped and ran off right away to get their coloring markers.

Jet, on the other hand, received birthday money from us, partly because we thought he might like to use it to get what HE might want.. but mostly because I was truly out of ideas. LOL

One thing about children, they can get together and just start playing. It helps when the owner of the toys is generous and shares with his cousins. The boys had a blast with the hilarious HeadBandz game that Jet got.
Ah, Family :)