Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Way to Reuse, B Movie.

I cannot remember which movie this came from, as I am back-posting all the way here to August.  In real time, it is now January 2021 and I am blogging stuff from way back in 2020. I know. Weirdness...

Anyhow, it all started during the Pandemic - we have been going through all the Sci Fi B Movies that are available on Amazon Prime.  

The hubs was the one who pointed this out. He went, "IS THAT A PIE PAN??"

Of course, we had to "rewind" and pause it so that we could look upon this amazing piece of set proppedness and snigger.

Seriously. It is basically a pie pan with a styrofoam cup stuck onto its back and everything sprayed silver. 

Ingenius for the non-lingering shots.

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