TURDUCKEN ( noun, : er, sounds exactly as it is spelt )
So I'm going about my business, catching up on daily emails, blogs, myspaces, etc when this one word seemed to loom at me from out of nowhere, and I'm like WOARGH, that's even
almost as funky as

I'm sure lotsa people out there know what a Turducken is, but for us triple-fowl-recipe challenged ones, it's actually a de-boned (
er, or boned, whichever school of English one subscribes to.. ) chicken stuffed in a de-boned duck, and both are then, er, stuffed in a de-boned turkey, just like the picture on the left.
Comingfordinner.com has a step by step guide to preparing this delicacy, and even breaks it down to the tur, duc and ken parts for easy reference. *lol* Those who prefer the gourmet flair, however, can go
HERE for the Cajun Grocer's Award Winning Recipe.
garu-power says that reading my blog is kinda like a mini documentary in itself, so here's the obligatory mini background on Turducken, compliments of who else, but Wikipedia.com :

A turducken ("TURkey-DUck-chiCKEN") is a de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small de-boned chicken. The cavity of the chicken and the rest of the gaps are filled with, at the very least, a highly seasoned breadcrumb mixture or sausage meat, although some versions have a different stuffing for each bird.
Turducken is a uniquely American development and is believed to be Cajun in origin, although it may also have originated in eastern Texas or northern Louisiana
As their popularity has spread from Louisiana to the rest of the Deep South and beyond, they are also available through some specialty stores in urban areas, or even by mail order.
Read the rest HEREThe duck can sense impending doom,
The chicken, she can too...
But who will warn the turkey now,
who's just escaped the zoo?
The duck has started in with quacking:
"We must get quickly to our packing!"
The chicken's in an awful state,
and lunges at the padlocked gate.
A rope, a saw, adhesive tape,
just might help them to escape.
But there won't be any more cluckin',
Once they're cooked up as TURDUCKEN!
A young turkey well fed on grass
Had grown to significant mass.
One day in November,
As you might remember,
We shoved two more birds up his a**!!