So I will know what I did this weekend in historyJim's Birthday
Jim is David's brother in law and a preacher at a local church. The birthday celebration was held at ( David's niece ) Stephanie's house ( Stephanie is a local glass artist - read article
HERE - and has a gorgeous house ), and when she mentioned that their internet was somehow down, David was there to the rescue... I love my Tech Geek :)
SuperBowl LXI
So I had to watch the AFC and NFC championships with David. Now he has an agonizing 2 weeks of waiting before
Superbowl 41.Restaurant Empire

Okay, I admit, I'm a computer gaming freak. During breaks from reading, I play RPG/Strategy etc games online, on the PC, and on my PS2. I have my eye on
Final Fantasy XII, but it's so &%^*$ expensive! So right now, I'm rediscovering the
Restaurant Empire game I played a year or so ago. Hey, even JumbledMind has the same exact game!
Walter ( David's Dad ) is going to be more famous than he already is!!
Abilene Reporter News has been putting an an in their paper for the local residents to suggest "
local characters" to be interviewed and featured in the newspaper. Well, Walter, being the character that he is, was naturally recommended to be one of the featured residents. The reporter from the newspaper has met with him and taken notes, and I'll post the article once it hits the stands.
Dogs with Cabin Fever are no fun
So, I found out that weird howlings and messing up the house ( i.e. peeing on the rug ) are signs of
cabin fever. Henry is guilty of both of them, but I can't really blame him coz he hasn't been able to roam about outside as much, with the below freezing temperatures and like that. I try to let them out during the warmest time of the day for several hours so he can romp and play and just get all that energy out of his system, not to mention get some sun!
Baking ManiaFor some reason - maybe it's all this cold weather - I've taken to baking, which is pretty weird, coz I never was very much of a cook or baker. But in the past week or two, I've made Banana Bread, Blueberry Muffins and Applesauce/Walnut/Pecan Nut Bread.